Wednesday, 5 October 2011


If you want to kill a piece but you might be afriad you might lose it to a weak piece well use the guide below to help you decide which piece is strong and if it can do special moves. Also is a guide to checking, checkmating and draws.

* no piece except for the knight can jump over other pieces.

Special Moves:


En Passant is a special move where the opponents pawn moves up two squares and then you go diagonal and kill it.

Rook, King:

The king moves two squares and the rook goes beside it. There are two different types of castling, one is long distance which is shown above and short which is the other way. The King and Rook can't castle if:

1. The King is in check if it castles.
2. The King and/or Rook has already moved.
3. The King is in check.

Checking And Being In Check:

Check is when your king is getting attacked by any of your opponents piece/s. If you check too much you might even be checkmated but sometimes checking can lead to checkmating. Examples of being in check are below. Ways of stoping checks are:

1. To move away.
2. To block the check. (unable to do with knights)
3. To kill the piece that is checking you.


Checkmating is when you check your opponent but it can't block it, move away or kill the piece that checking. This is called checkmate and it means you have won. Examples of ceckmates are below.

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